quinta-feira, fevereiro 24

"Ginkgo biloba"

"This tree’s leaf which here the East
In my garden propagates,
On its secret sense we feast,
Such as sages elevates.

Is it one but being single
Which as same itself divides ?
Are there two which choose to mingle,
So that one each other hides ?

As the answer to such question
I’ve found a sense that’s true:
Is it not my songs’s suggestion
That I’m one and also two ? "

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
AD 1815 - Love Poem to
Marianne von Willemer

Nao consegui resistir... fikei a adorar de coraçao estas maravilhosas criaçoes da natureza... sao linnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaasssss

by myself


Anonymous Anónimo said...

That I’m one and also two ?
Maybe Three!

fevereiro 25, 2005 7:01 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

That I’m one and also two ?
Maybe Three!

fevereiro 25, 2005 7:02 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

I’ve found a sense,probably´s true:
Is it not my songs’s suggestion
That you are the one,maybe i am too

to a different person, but the wall is perfect

fevereiro 26, 2005 3:14 da manhã  

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